The New Jewish Voice Newspaper

First published in May 1975, the New Jewish Voice is the second oldest active Jewish community newspaper in Connecticut and reaches 10,000+ readers who stay updated and informed on the latest news taking place around the local Jewish community. Subscribe today to the New Jewish Voice.

Bring Back Our Boys


As we send our thoughts and prayers to the families of those abducted in Israel, we wanted to share with you the following letter of solidarity sent to Prime Minister Netanyahu on behalf of the Jewish Federations of North America.


If you would like to send a note to the boys' famil…

Hear Reflections from March of the Living


WE ARE BACK! Jenna Plotzky, Keren Rubin, Rachel Steinmetz and Danielle Alexander are back from an extraordinary, unforgettable 2-week experience participating in the March of the Living. Joining thousands of teens from over 40 countries, New England area teens commemorated Holocaust Re…

World ORT Implements Pilot Program at Kadoorie Agricultrual High school

Yitzhak Rabin’s alma mater, Kadoorie Agricultural High School, in the Galilee, has 1,550 Jewish and non-Jewish students and is one of 30 World ORT-affiliated schools in Israel. World ORT has implemented a pilot program at the school in anticipation of Israeli textbooks being published i…

Yom Ha'atzmaut at the JCC Stamford, CT

A beautiful day was experienced by all at the Yom Ha'atzmaut event at the Stamford, CT JCC. This photo captures the magic that Israeli Independence Day represents ~ the magic of home. 

CEO’s Monthly Message – May: Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring


The calendar reads May 1st, which suggests that spring has not only arrived but is in full bloom.  Even though the scene out my window has not corroborated that fact, since the start of this season, there have been just enough glimpses of spring to convince me that the …