We are proud to participate in LIFE & LEGACY®, a national giving program that helps Jewish organizations plan after-lifetime endowments, ensuring that donors can support the causes they care about for generations to come. To date, LIFE & LEGACY® has secured more than 60,000 commitments with an estimated value of over 1.2 billion dollars for Jewish communities across North America.
In partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF), LIFE & LEGACY® is a community-wide initiative administered by United Jewish Federation on behalf of the Jewish communities of Stamford, New Canaan, and Darien. This four-year program provides essential coaching, training, and incentive grants to local organizations, helping to integrate legacy giving into the philanthropic culture of our community and ensuring a vibrant future for generations to come.
Why We Give
Our community is built on generosity, dedication, and the belief in securing a bright future for the next generation. Many in our community have already made the commitment to leave a legacy. Here are some of the reasons why:
For Melody and Claude, participating in LIFE & LEGACY was a way to strengthen Jewish life for future generations. By explaining their decision to their adult children, they emphasized the importance of valuing Jewish heritage and ensuring a strong Jewish presence in New Canaan. Establishing a legacy gift was easy for them, and they hope their children and grandchildren will continue to carry forward their commitment to Judaism.
Lorraine and David have a multi-generational connection to the Jewish community in Stamford. Their families have always been deeply involved in Jewish life, from synagogue leadership to community activism. Their involvement with United Jewish Federation opened their eyes to the global Jewish community, sparking a deeper connection to Israel and Jewish peoplehood. By joining LIFE & LEGACY, they hope to keep this commitment alive for future generations while setting an example for their children and grandchildren.
Elissa and Philip have been inspired by Stamford’s unique ability to unite Jews of varying political and religious backgrounds. They believe the United Jewish Federation plays a central role in fostering this environment of mutual respect and inclusivity. By leaving a LIFE & LEGACY gift to UJF, they hope that future generations will continue to uphold these values, keeping Jewish communal life in Stamford strong and connected.
Meryl and David’s strong Jewish identity has been with them since childhood and strengthened during their time at Yale. Rabbi Joseph Ehrenkranz z’l taught them the importance of giving 10% of their income as tzedakah. Since moving to Stamford in 1980, they’ve supported numerous Jewish institutions and organizations. Through LIFE & LEGACY, Meryl and David are ensuring their legacy of giving will continue, benefiting the Stamford Jewish community for generations to come.
Since moving to Stamford in 1990, Beverly and David have been deeply involved in Federation and other Jewish organizations that provide essential services to individuals and families. Having traveled to Israel and Europe, they’ve seen thriving Jewish communities, but also communities in decline. For Beverly and David, supporting LIFE & LEGACY is a responsibility to ensure Jews worldwide continue to receive the help they need.
UJF Ner Tamid Legacy Society Donor Listing
Erica (Ricky) Arbron
Dina & Paul Berger
Karen &Ira Berk
Devra Jaffe Berkowitz & Parry Berkowitz
Darona & Rabbi Tzvi Bernstein
Melody & Claude Bernstein
Henry Bubel
Michael and Rita Butterman
Malerie Yolen-Cohen & Jeff Cohen
Shoshana Dweck
Esta & Jay Feinsod
Linda Hurwitz & Richard Fine
Robin & Jason Fischel
Stephanie & Howard Fogel
Lenore & Ilan Fogel
Sharon Franklin
Connie & Alan Freeman
Heidi and Harrison Ganz
Lisa and Gadi Gavronsky
Marilyn & Irving Goldblum
Caryl Goldstein*
Jason and Alicia Goldstein
Judy & Howard Goldstein
Meryl & David Gordon
Nan & Paul Gordon
Linda Gornitsky
Allison & Fred Greenbaum
Ronald Gross*
Caryn Halbrecht & Tomas Haendler
Kayla & Leon Hanna
Meryl and Ron Japha
Helene & Harvey Kaminski
Elissa & Phillip Klapper
Susan Kostin
Claudia Kraut
Norma Kraut
Carol & Allen Krim
Elizabeth & Scott Krowitz
Lorraine & David Kweskin
Eleanor & Mort Lowenthal
Lisa & Jeff Manheim
Norma* & Milton Mann*
Susan & Len Mark
Chris Maroc
Dinah Miller Marlowe & Seth Marlowe
Rhonda Schaffer-Maron & Jeff Maron
Nancy Zinbarg Mimoun
Caryl Ferber Poser & Peter Poser
Judy & Robert Raymond
Arlene & Carl Rosen
Natalie & Mark Rosovsky
Jaime & Eric Ross
Renee Samson*
Monica Smyth & Michael Schlessinger
Tara & Richard Shapiro
Marsha Kaiser Shendell
Steven and Ronnie Sichel
Jerry and Bracha Silber
Diane & Elliot Sloyer
Brenda Smith
Edith Samers & Ed Smith
Louise & Ami Soifer
Ed Spilka
Beverly & David Stein
Rabbi and Julie TelRav
Ellen & Richard Weber
Marian Weinberg
Joan Zinbarg*
Anonymous, Five (5)
*Of Blessed Memory
Bi Cultural Hebrew Academy
Chabad New Canaan
Chabad Stamford
Friendship Circle
Jewish Community Center
Schoke Jewish Family Service
Temple Beth El
Temple Sinai
United Jewish Federation
Beverly & David Stein
"If not us, then who? We have seen firsthand the importance of supporting Jews at home, in Israel, and overseas. Federation makes that possible."
Nancy Mimoun
"Being there for Jews near and far has always been important to me. I want to make sure the future is secure for Jews here in Stamford and across the globe."
Edith Samers
"Supporting the home we love is important to us. How could we leave this earth without giving something to preserve the Jewish community we cherish?"
Ellen & Richard Weber
"Ensuring a thriving Jewish Stamford for generations to come is our goal. We want to help keep this wonderful community strong and vibrant."
Norma Kraut
"Leaving a gift for the worldwide Jewish family allows me to support the future of Jewish communities, both near and far."
Susan Kostin
"Maintaining the legacy of those who came before is an important part of my Jewish identity. I want to ensure the strength of our community for future generations."
Connie & Alan Freeman
"A commitment to Jewish continuity is central to our lives. We want to ensure that future generations inherit a strong and vibrant Jewish community."
Lenore and Ilan Fogel
"Keeping our support system together is important to us. LIFE & LEGACY allows us to contribute to the future of our home and the organizations we love."
Sharon Franklin
"Every person counts when it comes to building a strong Jewish community. I’ve seen firsthand how every contribution—big or small—makes a difference."
Malerie Yolen-Cohen & Jeff Cohen
"Setting an example is important to us. If we don’t support the organizations we care about, the next generation might not be as involved as we are."