Did you know there are two BBYO chapters in Stamford, one for high school boys and one for high school girls?
Leviticus is the Stamford chapter of AZA for boys and Tikvah is the Stamford chapter of BBG for girls. The chapters meet every other week for a program that consists of a vast variety of activities such as basketball tournaments, painting parties, casino nights, and the celebration of Jewish holidays, which include potluck dinners in a Sukkah, white elephant parties for Chanukah, Purim carnivals and more.
Participants share traditions at these programs like singing the international youth movement songs and eating “spooey” (pretzels dipped in frosting). These rituals make the group feel connected as a community, a chapter, and also to BBYO around the world. This year Leviticus (AZA) and Tikvah (BBG) are proud to announce that we have three wonderful new advisors: Yoav Yaron, UJF’s Community Shaliach, Ryan Murace (BBYO Leviticus alumni) and Rachel Steinmetz, Director of JCC summer camps. In late August, Board Members traveled to the Connecticut Valley Region’s 2023 BBYO Board Member Training Conference held at Hartford’s Bradley International Airport to kick-off the new year. The new advisors helped assist our chapters with planning for the upcoming year, trained participants for their upcoming board positions, and spent some quality time bonding.
The year ahead looks very exciting. If you want to know more about BBYO chapters in Stamford, please contact chapter Presidents Matan Siegel (Leviticus - mjs032006@gmail.com) or Keira Lubliner (Tikvah - keiralubliner@gmail.com). Keira Lubliner and Matan Siegel are Seniors at Stamford High School.
This article was written by Chapter Presidents Matan Siegel and Keira Lubliner and appears in the October issue of The New Jewish Voice newspaper. To receive The New Jewish Voice delivered free to your home, sign-up today at www.ujf.org.