Each edition of the New Jewish Voice features the testimonials of community members just like you who have declared their intent to leave a legacy gift to a Jewish organization in the Stamford, New Canaan and Darien Jewish community.
This program is funded by United Jewish Federation and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. Learn why they look to secure our Jewish future and discover your reasons to join them. Together, we can all work to guarantee the future of the Stamford Jewish community we love.
Today, we feature Lieba and Steven Lander, who share their experiences and reasons for taking part in LIFE & Legacy with UJF.
Steven Lander: As a couple for over 50 years, we have always volunteered and worked to assure the survival of the Jewish Community in Norwalk where we live and Stamford where we volunteer and work. It is our pleasure and privilege to support Temple Beth El (TBE) and Chabad as part of our Legacy Giving through the Grinspoon LIFE & LEGACY program. Steven stated: Temple Beth El has not only been my place of employment for the last 16 years but also my spiritual home. As a member of the professional team, I see how important each gift is to create a well-funded endowment that will provide the financial security needed to sustain a thriving Jewish Community for decades to come.
Today, TBE and our beautiful building on Roxbury Road stand as a testament to our founders’ vision as we strive to build lives of beauty and meaning for each member. Together, we pray and rejoice; work and play; welcome and mourn. At Temple Beth El, our congregants are committed to each other, to the remarkable history of our synagogue, and to the power of living Jewishly in a world that demands much of us. Although TBE’s finances today are stable, there will be growing building expenses and economic downturns, making our financial stability vulnerable. A proper endowment fund will help Temple Beth El continue to provide for a level of excellence in our lifecycle events and celebrations, Shabbat and holiday observances, Jewish education and life-long learning, and social justice programming. Now is the time to build upon our strengths and provide TBE with the financial security it needs to remain a visionary and thriving congregation for generations to come.
Lieba Lander: For over 28 years I have watched the children of Chabad Gan Yeladim, as young as 3 months old, experience the joy and connection to Judaism. And now I see them return with their children to continue their legacy. As a teacher of these children, I feel it is my responsibility and privilege to ensure that their children’s children have the same opportunities! We hope you will consider joining us in making a legacy gift to the Grinspoon LIFE & LEGACY to ensure financial security to all the very important institutions in our community so that their impact will continue for generations to come.
For more information on LIFE & LEGACY, contact Lenore Fogel at (203) 321-1373 or at lenore@ujf.org