Partnership 2Gether (P2G) is a project dedicated to foster connections between Israelis and worldwide Jewry, as part of the Jewish Agency’s partnerships platform. Our Partnership creates meaningful encounters between Israelis living in the Afula- Gilboa region in Israel and Jews living in 12 Jewish communities in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island: Central Mass., Eastern CT, Greenwich, Hartford, New Bedford, New Haven, Rhode Island, Stamford, The Berkshires, Upper Fairfield, Western CT, Western Mass (commonly known as SNEC: Southern New England Consortium). We believe this engagement is a vital element in strengthening our communities both in Israel and overseas.
Our partnership engages a wide variety of community members by offering living bridge programs, connecting youth, students, professionals, artists, community leaders, schools and others. By hosting delegations on both sides of the ocean we create meaningful face to face encounters. The partnership supports community development programs, creating a significant impact and generating real change in the lives of the less fortunate in the Afula- Gilboa region.
One of the partnership’s most celebrated programs is “The Young Emissaries" program, where pairs of high school graduates from Israel postpone their military service for a year, in order to volunteer in Jewish communities throughout New England, and bring Israel closer to them.
The Afula-Gilboa P2G region is managed by a Steering Committee chaired by Dalit Lanir. The committee is composed of volunteer members from Afula and the Gilboa RegionalCouncil as well as representatives from the partner municipalities
We inspire community members in Israel and overseas to explore and broaden their connection to the Jewish People and to Israel.